This post will walk you through how to encrypt sensitive terraform variables in a way that still permits them to be committed to VCS, while also being reasonably easy to decrypt. Examples use bash, however are easily adapted to other environments. Special thanks to this post on encrypting the ansible vault password, as my examples draw heavily from that source. This method is particularly awesome, because you can explicitly declare who is permitted to decrypt it.
Situation: You’ve committed your code, you’ve submitted a patch, and yet for some reason, and regardless of the number of rechecks, your tests simply won’t pass the gate? How can you test the gate, locally, to triage what’s happening? By creating a local slave VM. Prerequisites To complete this tutorial, you will need the following: Vagrant VirtualBox A local clone of OpenStack’s system-config repository: git clone git:// Create a local.pp manifest.
This post contains the current working draft of the OpenStack JavaScript roadmap. It’s a big list, and we need help to land it during the Newton cycle. Overall themes for this cycle are Consistency, Interoperability, and engaging with the JavaScript community at large, all topics which I’ve written about at length. Our end goal is to build the foundations of a JavaScript ecosystem, which permits the creation of entirely custom interfaces.
The public opinion of the JavaScript community is that it’s fast. We break things, we’re hungry for the latest features, and none of us want to return to the days of slow innovation that ended with the death of IE6. This really isn’t true; there are several core JavaScript projects, such as Angular, JQuery, and React, which have solid governance, and measured release cycles, that would mesh well with OpenStack. It just happens that those projects are surrounded by thousands of smaller ones, run by handfuls of engineers who are volunteering their time.
OpenStack’s Infrastructure is now running all of its NPM and NodeJS-based test jobs using the newer NodeJS v4, and npm 2.15. That’s pretty awesome, given that previously we were running on 0.10.25. ES6, anyone? LTS is important Here in OpenStack we try to stick as closely as possible to LTS packages. We do this for multiple reasons, chief of which is that many of our customers have governance and compliance constraints that prevent them from installing arbitrary bits on their hardware.
The following article has been making the rounds, claiming a new worm exploit against npm. First of all, this is not a new exploit, nor is it in any way unique to npm – pip, gem, rpm, and deb have the same issue. Many may not even consider this an exploit at all – it’s a known feature, provided by package repositories, that permit compiling platform-specific bytecode. This is useful if, for instance, your package depends on a c-level library.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve run a survey that attempts to discover how people use OpenStack’s Horizon (aka openstack-dashboard), and I’d like to publish some preliminary results. I’ll be soliciting responses during the Vancouver Summit next week, so if you haven’t participated yet, you still have time to do so. The link to do so is here: Results In two weeks, the survey gathered 36 responses. Due to the small sample size and the non-random selection of participants, this data should not be considered statistically significant — Self-selected populations rarely are — however it does provide us with a window into how Horizon is used in the real world.
A problem that I’ve been working on the last week has been JS dependency management – driven by npm and bower – inside of OpenStack. To be honest, this problem can be extended to JS dependency management in any application that wants to be packaged within a Linux distribution, as that is the ultimate bar that needs to be met. In this case, however, we’re just going to focus on OpenStack.
The OpenStack Infrastructure team has successfully migrated all of the openstack-infra project bugs from LaunchPad to StoryBoard. With the exception of openstack-ci bugs tracked by elastic recheck, all bugs, tickets, and work tracked for OpenStack Infrastructure projects must now be submitted and accessed at If you file a ticket on LaunchPad, the Infrastructure team no longer guarantees that it will be addressed. Note that only the infrastructure projects have moved, no other OpenStack projects have been migrated.
During the OpenStack Summit in Paris this last week, we made a concerted effort to finally migrate the openstack-infra projects over to StoryBoard. This is a pretty big milestone for us, because it’s the first real set of users that we’ve had on our system – basically our beta users. Of course the best laid plans ran into some problems, one of which is forcing us to make a decision on how to handle user identity.